Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Construction at the Farmhouse

Dinner in Rittersdorf upon arrival.

Nachtessen auf der Burg Rittersdorf  - hatten keine Lust zu kochen

The bathroom wall at the farmhóuse was soaked and some tiles came down, something needed to be done about it.
 Also the wall behind the house was giving way...so Udo and Yogurt decided about what needed to be done,,,,All was arranged quickly, digger, dumper, material...here we go.

Im Eifelhaus drueckte das Wasser mehr und mehr ins Haus und gemeinsam mit Tilly entsclossen wir uns, etwas dagegen zu unternehmen
Die Mauer hinter dem Haus musste weichen und die Aussenwand trocken gelegt werden, dank -do kamen Bagger, Dumper und sonstiges Material fix únd due Maenner haben los gelegt.

This is the way the wall looked like before they started. Main problem was the humidity in the bathroom the water literally ran down the walls.

Even the cattle came to have a look

So the old wall was torn down and a big hole was dug between the mountain and the bathroom to allow the water to flow.

Hold on tight - the wall is gone :-)

Whilst the men were working on the wall I picked blackcurrants. - 42 kg!

Rain was pouring down the second day - bloody hell

Vera and her guinea pig

it is fun watching yogurt having cut his

Finally the gutters were cleaned... This weeks resume... the boys moved 10 tons of material, be it stones, cement, sand - you name it... The old wall was taken down, the new one errected, gutters cleaned, new gutters put up... Now the tiles in the bathroom need to be renewed, the roof needs to be fixed and the drainage has to be put in properly.... All of the need to be dones were done by Udo after we left!!!! A huge thank you and a big big hug to you and your great fmily from me Mr. Yogurt and Tilly, of course.

So nun haben sie auch noch alle Regenrinnen gesaeubert - Resume der ketzen Woche ....10 Tonnen Materuíal bewegt, die alteMauer abgerissen, die neue aufgestellt, einzementiert, Drainage gelegt. Die fliesen wird Udo machen, wenn wir schon wieder weg sind, ebenso das Dach dichten und und.... UDO. merci vielmal n dich und deine tolle Family!

On the way back quick stop in Spa -. Beatle Cup

One week in Bavaria

After Tilly decided to go to hospital for 2 weeks for a pain therapy - she generously gave us her car to go to Bavaria with it... We stopped at Dehnseifen frst. Went to Bernkastel to buy some wine, one day and left for Horgau the next day.
Nachdem Tilly sich doch fuer ein Schmerztherapie entschieden hatte, sind wir nach Bayern gefahren, zunaechss haben wir zwei Tage in der Éife uebernachtet, um dann weíter nach Horgau zu fahren. Von Dehnseifen aus sind wir dann auch nach Bernkastel-Kues gefahren, um einen meiner Lieblingsweine zu kaufen,,,,
 The  Little house in the middle of nowhere

I love the Eckstein vineyard - each time we go there I am the only one for wine tasting -

Candies are made here... lovely shop..

As usual we were warmly welcomed by our Bavarian family. Soccer Fever - yes, it is the world championship going on,,,,and Yogurt watched every single game.
Was fuer ein schoene wiedersehen in Horgau - wie jedes Jahr... -schee wars, danke ihr Lieben,
City Hall of Augburg built in 1516 by Elias Holl - the roof of St. Anna Church in the foreground

 Soccer Fever...Auch Michi und Christian warenim Fussbalfieber
 The Chefs at work....

Kuechenchefs am Werk...

 Public Viewing in Horgau :-)

WM Spiel im Garten...

 Peter and Natascha arranged a public viewing in the garden - Germany beat Argentina... Mama Helga and I foresaw the result...

Mama Helga und ich haben das richtige rgebns getippt,,,,

We enjoyed a summer`s day on a Suzuki 750 and went to Pleinfeld to get sausages of one of Germany´s most acclaimed butchers. , of course,  we did not take the direct way but a detour through the Altmuehl Valley -  400 kms later we were back in -Horgau
Auf der suzuki 750 gings dann nach Pleinfekd zum Wuerschtel hoelen, Metzgeri Nuesslein Pleinfeld