Saturday, February 16, 2013

February - Yogurt´s Birthday

Up- date on the pets first.....

Mungo is growing and growing, though he had caught pneumonia, and we were not sure whether he would make it or not, we are now more than happy that he is such a fighter and went through it all.... Tough little Gremlin....

 Rusty had to go back to the vet as well, as his lump in the neck was growing....It has been removed now by just doing two tiny little holes ....this saved him the surgery. However he needs to have the bandage tied closed for at least 3 weeks - poor Rusty!!!!

Mungo waechst und gedeiht, obwohl der kleine Ker eine Lungenentzuendung hat und wir wusten ab einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt gr nicht mehr, ob er es schaffen wuerde und....Yeh er hat es geschafft.
Auch Rusty musste wieder zum Arzt. der Knubbel im Nacken ist zu sehr angeschwollen man hat den Knubbel nun entfertn und hofft, das keine weiteren kommen.

Then Yogurt´s Birthday came up, And Edith came visiting from February 2nd - February 7th.
We went to the Royal Flora exhibition last year I tore a tendon in my leg there- this time it was Yogurt who ended up in hospital....
When we were in the temple a dragon sculpture fell down from the roof  - just missing Yogurt who was very close to where the thing hit the ground. A splinter got into his eye. So we had to go to RAM hospital to have it removed.

Dann zu Juergen´s Geburtstag kam Edith vom 2. - 7 Februar. Wir fuhren mit Edith auf die Royal Flora, Chiang Mai. Hier hatte ich mir letztes Jahr die Sehne im Bein gerissen. Dieses Mal hat auch der Besuch im Spital geendet. Es war Juergen, der einen Splitter im Auge hatte, nachdem eine Drachstatue vom Tempeldach stuerzte und ihn knapp verfehlte.

On February 4th it was party time again- BBQ in the garden for Yogurt´s Birthday - thanks everyone for making it a memorable day....
Am 4. Februar haben wir dann Juergens Gebuirtstag im Garten gefeiert.... Danke an alle, die den Tag mit uns gefeiert haben....

Thank you Jaeb for this amazing cake
And it is Belle´s Birthday, too

Happy Birthday, Dear Yogurt

WOW, look at my new vest

Sylvia and Myrtle in Doi Saket - January 2013

Finally Sylvia and Myrtle arrived middle of January... It has been a long long time since we have last seen each other and it was so great to catch up again...We had a lovely time, cycling with Reini and Biggi, going to the National Park, celebrating Bernard´s Birthday until it was time for them to leave again. We saw them off at the bus station where they took the bus to Phayao - more adventures of Sylvia and Myrtle on

Tiou is taking Myrtle for a spin

Rusty goes for a ride with the Giraffe


The first tour with Biggi and Hardy around Doi Saket

It is so much fun riding Myrtle. Yeah!!!!

The  second tour to Sam Kampaeng Hot Springs and Bo Sang

Checking the time

What a yummie brekkie- including Som Tam and some pork skewers


Im Januar kam dann Sylvia mit Myrtle - endlich, wir haben die beiden vermist, es war eine lange Zeit, seit wir uns gesehen hatten.

Wir hatten eine schoene Zeit sind einige Kilometer Velo gefahren mir Reini und Biggi, waren im National Park und haben Bernard´s Geburtstag miteinander gefeiert. Dann haben wir Sylvia und Myrtle zur Buss Station in Chiang Mai gebracht - neue Abenteuer warten auf die beiden - mehr unter www.

An afternoon at the National Park
Tharnathon Lodges

Bernard´s Birthday on January 28th...

Time to say Good- bye...the two left after 10 days..... sniff.We loaded  Myrtle  on the truck and off we went to the bus station, where Sylvia took the bus to Phayao....Happy and safe travels. we do miss you a lot......

Nun war die Zeit gekommen, uns von Sylvia zu verabschieden, Myrtle kam auf den Pick Up und so fuhren wir zum Bus Bahnhof, sie nahm den Bus nach Phayao,,,,Gute Reise fuer Sylvia und Myrtle

 Last pics.....